Department of Industrial Development
Industry Department
Agency Overview
Industrial Estates
Guyana has four (4) Industrial Estates with two (2) that are fully operational.The objectives of establishing these estates are to:
- Stimulate entrepreneurship
- Encourage small and medium scale enterprise to modernize their factory operations
- Regularise urban planning
- Assist the manufacturing sector and to guarantee employment within the private sector
Coldingen Industrial Estate
The Coldingen Industrial Estate is Guyana’s first modern-day industrial estate and was developed at the insistence of former President Dr. Cheddie Jagan. This site is located approximately fifteen (15) miles east of Georgetown on the East Coast of Demerara and occupies thirty-five (35) acres of land and has thirty-six (36) plots with an average size of twenty thousand (20,000) sq. ft. Activities at this Estate include furniture manufacturing, wood processing, garment manufacturing, soil testing for minerals, food processing, fish processing, etc.The Coldingen Industrial Estate has a 95% occupancy rate and provides jobs for approximately three hundred (300) persons
Eccles Industrial Estate
The Eccles Industrial Estate is Guyana’s second modern-day Industrial Estate. It is located about four (4) miles south of Georgetown. It is approximately fifty-five (55) acres and has eighty-four (84) plots ranging in size from twelve thousand (12,000) sq. ft. and thirty-five thousand (35,000) sq. ft. This location was ideal as it took advantage of the wharfing, shipping, and transportation routes within the commercial section of wider Georgetown. The Eccles Estate is built to international standards with modern infrastructure and is very accessible through a mile-long access road off the East Bank Demerara Public Road..Eighty-five percent (85%) of allocated plots accommodate a range of industrial activities. These activities include pharmaceuticals, chemicals, wood processing, furniture manufacturing, fabrication and engineering, light manufacturing, food processing, fish processing, electronics printing, electronics, etc.The Eccles Industrial Estate has an occupancy rate of 95% and provides jobs for approximately fifteen hundred (1500) persons.
Belvedere Industrial Estate
The Belvedere Industrial Estate is located in Belvedere, Hampshire, on the Corentyne Coast, Berbice (Region # 6). Some major infrastructural works were done to this site to bring it to completion. There is an all-weather access road and a re-enforced concrete bridge that gives access to the entrance of the estate. The Ministry of Tourism,Industry and Commerce has constructed an Incubator Centre to cater for small businesses that will be nurtured for a period of time to become competitive. This facility will be managed by an agency of the Ministry, the Small Business Bureau (SBB). All essential amenities are installed and operational.
Lethem Industrial Estate and Incubator Centre
The Lethem Industrial Estate and Incubator Centre is located in Bon Success, Lethem, Region # 9. This estate is strategically placed in close proximity to the Takutu Bridge that links Guyana and Brazil at their respective border towns.It holds tremendous prospects for trade and investment in light of the road linkage between these two countries. This Estate will allow Guyana to become a nexus for trade and investment between Brazil’s northern states and the wider South American economies.
The Lethem Industrial Estate is divided into three main zones, namely:
- Small Industries
- Medium Industries, and
- Large Industries
It will accommodate a wide array of industrial activities eg. pharmaceuticals, chemicals, engineering, food processing, wood processing, furniture manufacturing, electronics, warehousing, amongst others.
The Incubator Centre is a state-of-the-art facility that will cater to the needs of small operators. These operators will be allocated a pod to refine their products and management systems thus preparing them to compete within their respective industries.

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